Artwork featuring citation from Amber Jamilla Musser's 'Sensual Excess: Queer Femininity and Brown Jouissance' (2018). 2020.
I first developed my 'devotional citation' praxis in 2017.
'Devotional citation' exists at the intersection of art and theory and originally involved devotionally embroidering and gifting quotations from scholarly and poetic texts back to the writers who wrote them. Whilst gifting has remained a central strand of the work, over time it has developed into a more complex critical devotional praxis, through which I seek to honour and illuminate the words and materials that make my thinking, creating and becoming possible.
You can read my critical reflection on 'Devotional Citation & Sustainable Praxis' in the Feminist Craft issue of MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture here
Thus far I have stitched and printed quotes from texts by writers including Barbara Browning, Leonard Cohen, Sarah Jane Cervenak, Helene Cixous, ashon t. crawley, Emma Dabiri, Jenny Dean, Anne Dufourmantelle, alexis pauline gumbs, Stefano Harney, Saidiya Hartman, Laura Haynes, Carolyn Heilbrun, bell hooks, Luce Irigaray, Audre Lorde, Nancy K Miller, Fred Moten, Amber Jamilla Musser, jennifer c. nash, Susannah Thompson, Anna Tsing, May Sarton, Ocean Vuong, Simone Weil and Sylvia Wynter.